Indian entrepreneur Kuldeep Dhankar recently shared how he survived a car crash with the help of his Apple Watch. Taking to X, Mr Dhankar, the founder of, shared a photo of his crashed car on a US highway and a police officer inspecting the accident site. In his post, he said that he got rear-ended by a car while he was in standstill traffic. He revealed that his Apple Watch immediately detected the crash and automatically called the cops. This prompt response from the device's crash detection feature and the California Highway Patrol played a vital role in ensuring Mr Dhankar's safety, allowing him to continue his journey with minimal delay.
"Got rear ended by a car while we were at standstill in traffic, on the I-5 yesterday. the car behind was probably a total loss. (we are perfectly safe) Apple watch detected that we were in a crash and auto called 911 and there was an officer on the scene with in minutes. we were able to leave in 30 minutes and got to our destination safe. so impressed by Apple watch and california highway patrol. Also thankful. very thankful," Mr Dhankar wrote.
Take a look below:
Got rear ended by a car while we were at standstill in traffic, on the I-5 yesterday. the car behind was probably a total loss. (we are perfectly safe)
— kuldeep (@ku1deep) December 2, 2024
Apple watch detected that we were in a crash and auto called 911 and there was an officer on the scene with in minutes. we…
Mr Dhankar shared the post a few hours back. Since then it has accumulated more than 41,000 views.
Reacting to the post, one user wrote, "Glad to know that you and the others are safe. Take care!" "Glad you are safe! Apple Watch did its job well" commented another.
"Damn, that sounds horrible. Glad you are okay," wrote a third user. "This looks so scary! So glad you guys are all ok!" expressed a fourth.
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Meanwhile, this is not the first time an Apple Watch saved a person's life. Back in October, the device proved to be a lifesaver for an elderly woman by detecting an irregular heartbeat, leading to timely medical intervention. Renowned for its advanced health-tracking capabilities beyond just monitoring steps, sleep, and blood oxygen levels, the Apple Watch's ECG (electrocardiogram) feature identified a condition called atrial fibrillation, prompting the woman to seek immediate medical attention.
Nikias Molina shared this incident on X, revealing that his Apple Watch Series 10 detected his grandmother's irregular heartbeat. "My Apple Watch Series 10 detected my grandmother's atrial fibrillation today using the ECG feature. She's now at the hospital and receiving the care she needs. I still can't believe it," he wrote while sharing a picture of the watch alert.
from NDTV News- Special
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